Buxton Water Ease Local Primary School’s Flooding Woes

Buxton Water were tasked with providing a solution to recent flooding at Malvern Primary School in Huyton, Knowsley. The cause of the flooding was quickly identified as ‘insufficient drainage to cope with the deluges of rain water’ and a rectification plan was provided by our Contracts Manager, Scott Hamer, which involved the provision for amendments to the existing roof gutter, the high pressure cleaning of the roof and fixing of a hinged mesh to prevent pigeons nesting, whilst allowing the servicing of the gutters by the school caretaker and the installation of additional rain water pipes.

Over the course of a week, we also excavated and upgraded the below ground drainage and gullies, increasing the capacity to deal with the additional rain water that would now pass through the guttering, down pipes & gulleys.

The upgraded drainage system was completed to the satisfaction of Knowsley MBC’s Building Surveyor.


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